Thanks to Lawrence (Larry) Sorgen who has been a member of the Chatuge Gun Club from the beginning. 
Larry has graciously done all the memory work to put names to the shooters back in day.

If you know the names of anyone in the photos below, please let me know so I can list it.

"A lot of the group shots were taken at our fund raising trap shoots with many shooters who were not club members but came out for the competition.   That is how we got the money to build the range.  I can also say that I'm too old to remember some of the names though I do recall most of the faces of those that helped us get the Club and the range established."  Larry Sorgen

Early 1980s Turkey Shoot Fund Raiser to build the range. (first 4 photos)

Gerald Long

  John Brandt

  In blue cap, John Lake

  Edward "Feddo" Hedden ( man with DNR)

  John Brandt & Ellis Warren

  John Brandt & Frank Stahlkuppe

  Perry Nichols (in front of John Brandt)

 "Pap" Beck (in front of John Brandt)

  Lawrence (Larry) Sorgen at bench

  Larry "Bird" Prather holding trophy. A lot of the group shots were taken at our fund raising trap shoots with many shooters who were not club members but came out for the competition. That is how we got the money to build the range.

Roy McClure and Bird Prather on the left, Larry Sorgen and Dennis Nichols on the right; can't remember the name of the winner in the middle or the guy in the back who, I do recall, owned a like new in the box S&W top break double action revolver in .44-40 from the late 1890's.

  Dennis Nickols scoring the turkey shoot.

  Perry Nichols staring at somebody's butt.

  Roger Smith, back row in black hat, on his left, Larry Sorgen.

  Roger Smith standing behind Ed Jones in red shirt.