Membership InformationCurrent dues will be collected at the time your application is approved for membership. YOU HEREBY CERTIFY TO THE CHATUGE GUN CLUB AND, AS A CONDITION OF CONTINUED MEMBERSHIP, RECERTIFY BY YOUR PAYMENT OF ANNUAL DUES, THAT: A. YOU HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CURRENT RANGE RULES AND THAT BOTH YOU AND YOUR GUESTS WILL ABIDE BY THESE RULES AT ALL TIMES WHILE AT THE RANGE; B. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT VIOLATION OF THE RULES CAN BE GROUNDS FOR LOSS OF MEMBERSHIP AND FORFEITURE OF ALL DUES FEES PAID; AND, C. YOU HAVE NOT BEEN CONVICTED OF A FELONY IN ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL JURISDICTION AND ARE NOT OTHERWISE DISQUALIFIED FROM LAWFULLY POSSESSING OR USING FIREARMS. D. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE ABOVE REPRESENTATIONS WILL BE RELIED UPON BY THE CHATUGE GUN CLUB IN ACCEPTING YOUR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION. As a requirement of membership, you hereby grant your irrevocable proxy to the Club’s Secretary who shall hold such proxy with respect to general membership meetings of the Club. The Secretary shall assert the proxies of that number of absentee members sufficient to constitute a quorum. The proxy of any member shall be withdrawn if that member is physically present at the meeting. The Secretary shall vote such proxies on any issues raised in the same percentage as those cast by members present and voting. If the Secretary should not be present, then such other officer as the Board may designate shall hold the proxies. (First year dues are $60, Payable at Orientation) To find out about joining the club contact Ed Jones at chatugememberships@brmemc.net |