Chatuge Gun Club

Contact Us    

 How to Join


Range Rules

Questions about our Matches

Match Information


See Past Match Results

  Open Range Day

  Match & Event Schedule  


  Tradin' Table 

  Directions to Range  

 Scholarship Program

Shootist Awards    

Silent Guns    







The next monthly meeting will be on February 18, 2025.
Meeting will be held at --- Town County Senior Center
Meetings start at 7pm on the third Tuesday of the month.

To find out about joining the club contact Ed Jones at 
Send your name, email address, telephone number, secondary telephone number and date of birth.

The Chatuge Gun Club Range is located in Towns County Georgia approximately 3 miles from the summit of Brasstown Bald Mountain, the highest point in Georgia; 4,784 feet above sea level.  It is located on United States Forest Service property and operates under a Special Use Permit since 1981. This Special Use Permit with Chatuge Gun Club allows PUBLIC USE on - OPEN RANGE DAY. Open Range Day is the second Sunday of each month from 1:30-3:30pm. (Weather permitting, December - February may be canceled in cold weather, or heavy rain). Non club members need to be at the range by 1 pm for a short orientation on open range day. Members are welcome on open range day. For more information, call or text Carol Rosenqvist at 706-781-4392, Monday - Friday from 10am until 4pm. More important details about Open Range Day, please read.

Club Meetings are held each month, on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Location is shown above.

Click here to see pictures of the early days of the range. The range affords a 10-position, covered, concrete firing line with shooting benches.  Firearms may be fired at distances varying from 7 yards to 100 yards by moving the target holders.  Shooters need to provide their own targets and staplers.  No exploding, tracer or any other incendiary ammunition or target or situations that might cause a fire are allowed.  The range facilities are available for use by Chatuge Gun Club members during daylight hours and is accessible by a key card issued upon joining the club by filling out the new member application; attending new member orientation; paying the dues as described in the "Dues Policies" on this website; and signing an agreement with the club to understand and obey ALL range rules as set forth by the Chatuge Gun Club.

The club presents "friendly" competition on a weekly basis and these competitions are open to anyone wishing to participate as long as basic range safety rules are followed.   Reference the event calendar for match dates and times. These club matches vary and attempt to provide a form of entertainment to satisfy almost all types of firearms from muzzle loaders to semi-auto loaders.

TRAP: The Shotgun Group - For details contact Peggy Sue Sampson at 706-994-7300 or

Most events are offered at no cost to the shooter either member or non-member however, in some cases a small fee is charged.

To see photos and results of past matches, click here.

See Many pictures of past club events. The Chatuge Gun Club has over 25 Certified NRA Instructors within its membership. These dedicated Trainers can afford ongoing opportunities for novice as well as experienced shooters to further their knowledge and skills within the various shooting disciplines. Our Range Officer as well as any of the Club Officers can guide you to the particular training you desire. We also have an Airgun Program during the cooler winter months.  We hold scored matches for both 10 meter air rifle and air pistol competition.  Click on the "Airgun Program" for more details.

Except for days when organized matches are conducted, there is no Range Officer present at the range.  Members must maintain safe range procedures by following Range Rules as posted.

Non-Discrimination Statement

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To find out about joining the club contact Ed Jones at 
Send your name, email address, telephone number, secondary telephone number and date of birth.