Open Range DayPUBLIC USE on - OPEN RANGE DAY. Open Range Day is the second Sunday of each month from 1:30-3:30pm. (Weather permitting, December - February may be canceled in cold weather, or heavy rain). Non club members need to be at the range by 1 pm for a short orientation on open range day. Members are welcome on open range day. For more information, call or text Carol Rosenqvist at 706-781-4392, Monday - Friday from 10am until 4pm. Details of Open Range Day - When you arrive at the range, find the RSO (Range Safety Officer) to check in. If the yellow flashing lights are on (cold range lights) you can not bring a firearm that is not in a case out of your vehicle. You will need to bring eye and ear protection for the shooter(s) and all that come with you even if they will not be shooting. You will also need your own targets, we have backer boards to put your targets on, but you will need to bring a stapler or tape to attach your targets to the backer boards. If you want to shoot a shotgun and need to pattern it, we supply paper to place BETWEEN 2 backer boards. Please do not shoot the backer boards. On Open Range Day, the control of the range is in the hands of the RSO (Range Safety Officer) on duty that day. They will control when the range is HOT, meaning you can fire or handle a firearm or COLD, meaning you CAN NOT touch a firearm. When you would like to have the range go COLD to check your target, you will need to ask the RSO. You may want to bring a spotting scope to allow you to see your target at a distance when the range is still HOT. There is no running water facilities at the Range, we do have a port-a-potty. You need to bring your own drinking water. Do not put any food or food wrappers into the trash cans or dumpster. We are in the woods and the critters can make a mess looking for food. No food is allowed at the red shooting line. |