Chatuge Gun Club

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Shootist Award

The Shootist Award The Shootist award was started in 2006 and ended in 2016. The winner of the award was presented with a trophy at the annual meeting in April. The club has grown in membership since 2016 and interest in friendly competition has increased. As a result, the board of directors voted to revive the Shootist award for 2020. In 2021 the award was changed from having only 1 winner to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, to encourage more participation in our matches. The 2020 winner was presented with a trophy at the annual meeting in April 2021. The club matches are open to everyone and they are free, but only members are eligible for the Shootist award. Anyone interested in participating can go to the Chatuge Gun Club website and click on Events Calendar, all matches for the year are listed with the date, time and match directors name and telephone number. Next go to Matches and Results, there you will find information about the matches, along with results of previous matches. Still got questions, call the match director. The way the competition works, all competitors are awarded one (1) point for showing up. The winner gets an additional three (3) points; second gets an additional two (2) points; third gets one (1) additional point. Shootist points are awarded in any match that club award pins are given out. Fund raisers or special events are not counted toward the Shootist Award. Most matches have classes or divisions that allows all shooters to be competitive. Some examples; Silhouette rifle and pistol is broken down into classes from B; A; AA; AAA and Master. An A class shooter would not be competing against a Master class, etc. A competitor with a revolver would compete with other revolver shooters, as a rule, and not against a semi-auto. Exceptions allow a shooter to compete in a higher class or division, if he/she so chooses. Three or more competitors are required to make a class or division. Bottom line......bring what you've got......the match director will see that you get to shoot somewhere.
Click here to see all the past winners of the Shootist Award.