General information about our MatchesAll our matches are open to non-members. All range rules apply to all matches, eye protection is required for shooters and anyone watching the match. Hearing protection is strongly suggested. No firearms are to be handled when the flashing yellow lights are on as the range is cold. Magazines may be loaded when range is cold. All firearms are moved with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. When at the red firing line the safe direction is down range. When not at the firing line the safe direction is muzzle pointing up. A firearm can be moved when the range is cold ONLY IF in a gun case. Minor changes are allowed at the discretion of the match director during a match. Most of our matches are held from morning through the afternoon and it is best to bring a lunch along with drinks for the day, in particular during hot weather. When planning to come to a match, it is a good idea to bring extra ammunition not just what is required for the match, to allow for practice or sighting in. Even if you don’t think you will shoot a match, come out and watch, you may want to join in the fun. See the list of matches below, we have something for almost everyone. If you have any questions not covered in the description of the match, call the match director. Photos and Results of past matches TRAP SHOOTING: Check with Peggy Sue for times and more information contact Peggy Sue Sampson at 706-994-7300 or email her Matches - Description & RulesNRA Matches are run under NRA Rules NRA Smallbore Rifle Silhouette ~~~~~ NRA Lever Action Silhouette NRA Hunters Pistol Silhouette ~~~~~ Steel Plate Duel ~~~~~ Steel Challenge
Military Rifle Match ~~~~~ Pistol Bowling Pin Shoot ~~~~~ Silhouette Benchrest ~~~~~ 50/50 Rimfire ~~~~~ Bullseye Shoot'n
Saving Santa PCC ~~~~~ Shotgun Trap Shooting ~~~~~ Rimfire/Centerfire - Revolver Pistol ~~~~~ 3-Gun, Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun ~~~~~ Defensive Pistol
Rimfire 50/100 Benchrest ~~~~~ Women On Target - Training ~~~~~ Basic Pistol - Training ~~~~~ Black Powder Muzzle Loading Match