Chatuge Gun Club

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 How to Join


Range Rules

Questions about our Matches

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See Past Match Results

  Open Range Day

  Match & Event Schedule  


  Tradin' Table 

  Directions to Range  

 Scholarship Program

Shootist Awards    

Silent Guns    



Membership Renewals

To find out about joining the club contact Ed Jones at 
Send your name, email address, telephone number, secondary telephone number and date of birth.

In order to keep our dues low,  we  send renewal notice to all members via notification through our monthly  newsletter delivered by email.  We do not send out paper renewal  notices.   It is your responsibility to keep your  membership current.  Renewal membership fees of $35.00 are due by the  date of our  annual meeting in April but we  will accept payment by  check beginning January 1st of the calendar year. The dues may be mailed  to the address listed above or brought to any of the regular monthly  meetings beginning in January including our annual meeting in April.  

Failure to pay annual dues by May 1st of that calendar year will constitute default on the part of the member  and their  gate access will be terminated.   Please Note:  After May 1st the member may pay a fee equal to the new member rate in  addition to a late penalty for a total of $100 if the member wishes to  renew.  If the member is not scheduled for a safety orientation then  only the $100 fee is required to renew.   If the member waits  until the following calendar year to rejoin the club,  then the current  new member rates and requirements for all new members at that time will  be in effect including the safety orientation class. 

If you have any questions regarding the renewal procedure please feel free to 

Contact - Ed Jones at  

or Thad Bynum at 

Please tell us if any of your contact information has changed.  We can’t contact you about important club information if your contact details are not up to date.





1.        The member has read and fully understands the current Range Rules and that both the member and his or her guests will abide by those rules at all times while at the range; 
2.        The member understands that violation of the rules can be grounds for loss of membership and forfeiture of all dues and fees paid; and, 
3.        The member has not been convicted of a felony in any federal, state or local jurisdiction and is not otherwise disqualified from lawfully possessing or using firearms. 


1.        The initial dues and membership fee, payable upon joining the club, is $60.00. 
2.        Subsequent annual dues for members is $35.00. 
3.        Annual dues may be paid by mail beginning January 1st of each calendar year and become past due following the regular annual meeting held on the third Tuesday in April. Following the annual meeting, there will be a “grace period” ending the last day of April during which dues may be paid without penalty.  After this date the member will be removed from the membership list and must re-apply for membership. 
4.        Dues may be paid at any regular business meeting of the Chatuge Gun Club.   
5.        Dues also may be mailed to the Post Office Box 86, Hiawassee, GA 30546 any time after 1 January of that year. 
6.        Key cards will be activated and range access granted upon timely payment of dues. 
7.        Key cards will be rendered inactivate and range access denied on and after the last day of April of that year if dues are in arrears. 
8.        Failure to pay annual dues by 1 May of that calendar year will constitute default on the part of the member.  After that date the member may rejoin the club by re-applying at the full initial membership fee rate of $60.00 and attending the range briefing. 
9.        It is each member's responsibility to pay his or her dues in a timely fashion without invoice or annual statement. 
10.      New memberships paid for between January 1st and the date of the annual meeting will carry over and be effective through the annual meeting of the following calendar year. 
11.       Lost key cards may be replaced to the member for a fee of $25. 
12.       Each member is responsible for keeping the Club advised of the member’s current address, e-mail and telephone numbers. 
13.       A new member certifies to the club and, as a condition of continued membership, recertifies by payment of annual dues, that: 
A.        The member has read and fully understands the current range rules and that both the member and his/her guests will abide by those rules at all times while at the range; 
B.        The member understands that violation of the rules can be grounds for loss of membership and forfeiture of all dues and fees paid; and, 
C.        The member has not been convicted of a felony in any federal, state or local jurisdiction and is not otherwise disqualified from lawfully possessing or using firearms. 

Rev: 6/18/24   

To find out about joining the club contact Ed Jones at 
Send your name, email address, telephone number, secondary telephone number and date of birth.